Project - Female Form Factor

— 1 minute read

A campaign microsite for the Sony Ericsson mobile phone - T303. The site includes 4 stylish studios in which you will try out the new phone with its featured features: camera (capture a photo from the room and display it in a frame), music player (listen to some pieces of music that are chosen to match with the room's mood) and Internet access (buy some items and put them in the room). There is also a quiz to help user choosing the matching room for them. This site was finished in 8/2008.
The site is integrated as iframe in under T303 phone page. However, you can google the phrase 'Female Form Factor' to receive this direct link.
My role: Team leader, Flash developer
Technical notes:
  • Flash 8 / Actionscript 2
  • Object Oriented
  • Displacement Map Filter: used to make the camera viewport look wider
  • Dynamic font embedding: load the font set specific to a localized language. Since there's no dynamic font registering in Flash 8, a special technique was used involving dynamic shared library.
  • .NET service.